High Output, Inc. is proud to celebrate Pride and recognizes all the LGBTQIA+ freelance and full-time employees who contribute to the success of all our projects. As a step forward in fostering a culture of inclusivity, we would like to invite anyone with a LASSO account to add their pronouns to their profile. Attached is a PDF document with screenshots and a step-by-step explanation of how to do so in the LASSO app. Adding your pronouns to the end of your name will make them visible to HO staff, and any crew members who are on the same job roster as you are. This is an optional addition to your profile, but for those who would like their pronouns shared, we want you to feel welcome to do so.
Personal pronouns are the words people use to refer to themselves (i.e., he, she, they). Many individuals prefer to use pronouns other than he/him/his or she/her/hers. It is important to educate ourselves and not make assumptions based on someone’s name or appearance. The experience of being misgendered can be hurtful and distracting. The experience of accidentally misgendering someone can be embarrassing for both parties, creating tension, and leading to communication breakdowns across teams. If you would like to further discuss these topics, please reach out to Production Coordinator Jules Ciociolo (she/her) - jciociolo@highoutput.com.
It is of the utmost importance that all our crew members feel safe and respected onsite. Please never hesitate to contact us if you feel a situation that occurred onsite needs addressing. If you have any questions or comments, or if you need assistance with editing your LASSO profile, please feel free to reach out to us at production@highoutput.com.
Thank you for your support in High Output’s mission of celebrating diversity and inclusivity!