Event Production
We develop technical solutions for every type of event imaginable. Our design & project management team has years of experience in the event industry. From televised political events, weddings, corporate functions, & outdoor citywide festivals, to simple backyard parties & local community fundraisers, High Output develops detailed plans & creative solutions to ensure success. Request a quote.
Campaigns, rallies, inaugurations, marches, debates
Meetings, seminars, conferences, products launches
Weddings, festivals, concerts, art installations, parties
Galas, fundraisers, auctions, fun runs/walks
Virtual & Hybrid
Live and pre-recorded elements to be streamed from any location
Highlight Events
United States Coast Guard Academy Commencement
The annual USCGA Commencement is well attended and hosts high ranking government speakers, most often we support POTUS or VPOTUS. This level of support requires an exacting level of production. For sound, we use our large Vue line arrays, supported on our 30’ “V” tower system. Cameras are placed in the field on custom camera platforms with additional overhead shots from PTZ cameras mounted high in the stands. The cameras are routed to a multi window switching system for both local and streamed feeds. Lighting is provided by Large HMI and powered by our redundant power systems.
Dartmouth College's Coeducation weekend
A multi-day, multi-location event celebrating 50 Years of Dartmouth Women Changing the World. From the details of the 16x9' video walls to the grande Dartmouth green facade on a campus building, the High Output team was sure to make this a night to remember.